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The road others go, we don't go


Chinese people 's Peach Avenue

The line from Chengdu to Lhasa, where the Sichuan-Tibet line , is named “Azalea Avenue” by Mr. Shan Zhiqiang, China National Geographic magazine chief editor. That’s to be said, from Shangri-la to this Linzhi this section line is a veritable Peach Avenue. It is not only because all this line along are full of peach flowers but also they spread from the valley, Yantian, to a variety of landforms at different altitudes under the snow-capped mountains, glaciers, forests, entirely different from the inland view.

In our last two years interviews, there are close to a hundred interesting travelers come to us. Their ways to play are so eye-opened to us, so from this spring, we will take you to play with them together. The first play is to Yunnan – Tibet line to see the wild peach with Tibetan Peng Jiansheng.